Dr. Mohammad Ala has produced three documentary films inside Iran in 2011 and 2012. One of them, Immortality received an Italian International Film Festival Award in June 2013. The film festival listed the work as Immortality from Iran because it was produced in Iran with an all Iranian crew. Thirty countries were present at the 2013 festival and a jury of film directors, film experts, and journalists selected Immortality to receive the Grand Prix Film Italia Award. The film producer (Dr. Ala) and its director (Mohammad Ehsani) were invited to attend this festival with Dr. Ala having attended the festival and received the award.

Dr Ala-Award

The above photo shows Dr. Ala (second from left receiving  Grand Prix Film Italia Award) along with two Italian mayors from Lecce and Bari who attended this event. The festival is known among Italians because it started in 1962.

Over 150 films were submitted to this festival with only 30 chosen to receive awards (there were no financial awards). All award winners received a certificate, several tours of Italian historical sites, and a 2012-2013 Italian film festival book with a CD featuring all films produced in Italy in 2012 and part of 2013.

Dr Ala-Prix Award

Grand Pix Italia award of Dr. Mohammad Ala (for a more detailed and larger view click here…)

The Italian people and organizers were very friendly and hospitable during this festival. Italians are rightly proud of their enduring heritage, culture, food, and historical sites. Much as in Greece and Iran, Italian historical sites are also deteriorating, with the Italians keenly interested in protecting their historical heritage.


Trailer for The Grand Pix Italia winner “Immortality”. Synopsis: It is heartbreaking for a visitor to Iran’s glorious historical sites to witness the damage that has been inflicted upon them. The Immortality documentary film shows that some of the desecration is due to graffiti, which obliges all who care about Iran’s heritage to take action in the endeavor to halt the destruction.